
Five Best

1.  As always, a few songs to enjoy while browsing this week's links.
2.  I'm always looking for new music to listen to while I work and I found some good leads in this article about twenty resources for finding new music.
3. This article has some helpful tips on non-toxic Spring cleaning which I hope to put to good use soon (not making any promises John). :)
4.  Speaking of Spring - the warmer weather gives greater temptation to procrastinate - here's some great ways to stay on task and keep yourself productive and organized.  I may need to read this article aloud to myself each morning to stay motivated.
5.  I have been loving this blog, these sandals and this website which I found via my Flipboard.

A couple of other things to mention:  I did a guest post for Elisabeth while she gets to know her sweet new baby Ostara.  You can see it here.  Also, I mentioned last week that I joined instagram - if you'd like to view my photo feed without accessing the instagram app (Mom I'm looking at you) you can check it out right here.  I hope everyone is gearing up for a  wonderful weekend ahead!

Image and design:  Rebecca Tollefsen

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