
Five Best From Around The Web

1.  1. It's Thursday which means it is time for the Five Best items I saw around the web this week.  As always some music to listen to while browsing this week's links - click the player above to listen along (email & feed subscribers click into the post for the player).  The playlist is featured on grooveshark which is not supported by Safari.  You can listen to it on any other browser.

2.  What do you prefer:  shorts or skirts?  I vote for skirts.  I am partial to denim pencil skirts because they go with anything but lately I've been loving the comfort and ease of maxi skirts too.

3.  Biopic comparisons.

4.  John Lennon's to do list.

5.  Currently loving:  this fella, this summer recipe, a hanging bulb, the possibility of this very soon!

Image:  Rebecca Tollefsen via instagram

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