
Five Best

1. As always a few songs to listen to while browsing this week's links. If you'd like to listen to some more music you can do so right here.

2.  To say I am infatuated (read borderline obsessed) with this website would be an understatement.

3.  Have you ever wondered how to dress like Bruce Springsteen?  I guess I just have Bruce on the brain this week.

4.  For the past nine or so years John and I have made a tradition of going camping at least once each summer.  Sylas was born in the summer of 2010 so we didn't get to go that year.  And last summer?  Well, it was kinda for the birds, so we didn't get to go that year either.  This summer we are definitely going camping and I. cannot. wait. I don't think John can either because he has referenced camping several times in the last few months.  This blog is something I am not even sure I can look at until at least May or I might go crazy with anticipation.

5.  I can't stop looking at: Plumo's very pretty top  and very pretty shoesthis article on toddlerhood and this quick, sweet snack idea.

See all Five Best posts right here.

Want to listen my Grooveshark mixes on your mobile device?  See if your mobile device has an app. for Grooveshark right here. 

Image and design:  Rebecca Tollefsen

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