

A couple of photos I recently shared to my instagram feed:

1. I cleaned out some drawers and found a bunch of old concert tickets.  It was cool to go through them and remember who we were with at each show, what point in our life we where at, etc.

2. A view of my messy workbench.

3. Sylas is always asking to play the guitar (he calls it "itar" - with a long I sound).  He will only play the guitar if he has a hat on.  Last night he started playing and then promptly stopped to get one of John's baseball hats.  I think he might be channeling Slash.  When he hands the guitar off to us to play he makes us wear a hat as well.

4. I get really dirty while working and I usually only wear old, worn out clothes.  I bought a canvas apron so I can get dressed in the morning in regular clothing and cover them up with the apron.  Now I don't have to fear answering the door when FedEx arrives because I will have normal clothing on!  I kind of like 'getting ready' in the morning like I used to.  I think it mentally prepares me to be more productive during the day.

It seems like more and more people are using instagram.  This week I had several family and friends join up.  It is a such a fun watch to stay connected!  You can find me on instagram as @rebeccatollefsen.

We started our stove for the first time today and can you believe that Thanksgiving is less than a month away?  I hope you are having a wonderful week!

Images:  Rebecca Tollefsen via Instagram

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